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The magic of Pablo Neruda's words

Updated: Mar 17


Have you ever heard of Pablo Neruda? I must admit that the first time I came across his name was while watching the TV series How I Met Your Mother. In one of the episodes, the protagonist Ted Mosby recites lines from one of Neruda's poems. My second encounter with Neruda was during my studies when I was asked to analyze and discuss one of his poems for a literature course. Although I found the discussion challenging, I am grateful for the experience, and Neruda's words have stayed with me ever since. So, I decided to give poetry a chance and purchased a collection of his poems.

Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda

So I began reading. Due to my Spanish heritage, I also opted to read the poems in Spanish. However, I found it challenging to comprehend the poems due to the extensive vocabulary. Therefore, I suggest ordering the version that includes a translation (already linked below). Nonetheless, I must confess that the enchantment of Pablo Neruda's words can touch your heart and soul, regardless of the complexity of your Spanish vocabulary. It is captivating to see how eloquently he expresses his emotions. While reading, I found myself pausing to think and visualize his words, even taking a pen to mark the passage. Although I could create a glossary of my favorite passages from the book, I would like to share one of my favorite poems from the collection:

Por eso eres la sed y lo que ha de saciarle. Cómo poder no amarte si he de amarte por eso. Si ésa es la amarra cómo poder contrarla, cómo: Cómo si hasta mus huesos tienen sed de tus huesos. Sed de ti, sed de ti, guirnalda atroz y dulce. Sed de ti en las noches me muerde como un perro. Los ojos tienen sed, para qué están tus ojos.


That is why you are thirsty and what will quench your thirst.

I cannot help but love you for that.

If that is the tie, how can I resist it?

Even my bones thirst for yours.

I thirst for you, an atrocious yet sweet garland.

Thirst for you at night bites me like a dog.

My thirst for you at night is insatiable.

My eyes long for yours.

I assure you that the book contains numerous poems like this. While I could write several blog articles with more detailed analysis, this entry is mainly intended to give you an idea of what to expect from the book. You don't need to analyze the poems in terms of rhyme scheme or central words and their references to others, as you would in a poetry analysis, to understand the poems. The core message will always be clear and will touch you in a way that I have never experienced before. If I can understand it, then you can too. I barely passed the course where I had to analyze the poem. So, I'm not an expert by any means :)

Discover the magic of Pablo Neruda's poems for yourself and see his art of words for yourself


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