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How I prepare for a half-marathon

Updated: Mar 17


Completing the half marathon will be an incredible achievement and you will experience a profound emotional moment

It's January 1st. Like probably every one of you, I've been thinking about what I want to do differently this year or what I want to work on. In addition to goals related to investing, reading, and personal development, I had one big goal in mind. I want to push myself to the limit and master a big challenge.

This year I was able to live in Mallorca as part of my studies for 6 months. At the end of March, this chapter is over for me and I set off to finish my studies and write a new chapter in my history. But I met such incredible people in Mallorca, experienced ups and downs, discovered incredible places on the island, but above all, a new version of myself.

"I want to test my limits"

I consider myself very lucky to have spent the time of my life on this island. The island showed me its best and gave me the opportunity to explore my best. Just three days before my flight back there is a half marathon in Palma. I believe this is the perfect opportunity to give back the best version of myself to the island, as Mallorca has shown me its best version. But I've never run a marathon. "How am I supposed to prepare for this? Just run for it?" I'll show you how I prepared for it.

How to start

In preparation for the half marathon, I conducted research by consulting friends who had already completed one and by searching for information on YouTube. I found a particularly helpful video which is embedded in this blog article and contains a wealth of useful information. At the end, you will also receive a training plan from a friend.

The video's protagonist emphasizes the importance of building regularity and allowing the body to adjust to the habit. It is recommended to start with appropriate distances, which may vary from person to person. Avoid overdoing it at the beginning and gradually increase the length of the route until you can manage a distance of around 17 or 18 km before the half marathon. It's not necessary to have already run the entire distance once. Your mind will help you complete the last few kilometers. This brings me to the final point.

Your mind - your biggest friend and foe

preperation half marathon
Trainingplan from a friend

During preparation, it is important to train both your mind and body. Initially, I struggled with the negative self-talk in my head, telling me that I had reached my limit. However, I soon realized that this was not my body speaking, but rather my inner critic. By pushing past this mental barrier, I was able to achieve even more. However, I soon realized that the initial voice was not my body speaking, but rather my inner critic. Our bodies are capable of much more than we often give them credit for. The more I convinced my inner critic otherwise, the quieter it became and the easier it was to run.

When running, you are alone with your thoughts for 30 minutes to 2 hours. At first, many thoughts may race through your mind, such as 'You can't do it', 'Turn back now', 'I can do it', or 'I still have enough energy for another 2 kilometers'. Completing the half marathon will be an incredible achievement and you will experience a profound emotional moment. You will be proud of yourself for pushing your limits and discovering new strengths.

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