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Planks - why they are so underrated


Planks are one of the best exercises to train the abdomen and develop strength, balance and muscle mass. Experts from Harvard University¹ confirm this. The best part is that you don't need to do thousands of repetitions to get results, you just need to be consistent and add this effective movement to your basic routine.

The magic of exercise is that you can do it in many ways, depending on the results you are looking for (burn fat, build muscle, increase strength, etc...) and among all the options that exist, you can find some short routines that can be more effective than other types of exercise that take more time.

Intensity variably adjustable

I often took part in group training sessions where we did Tabata. We had lots of people with different fitness levels and our trainer showed us the plank exercise at one station. For beginners, the classic plank is sufficient, for advanced users you can add other exercises.

The level of difficulty can be increased by making small adjustments. While you are in the normal position, you can stretch one arm forward and lift the complementary leg and you will notice how some muscles in the body are used more. You can also do push-ups with your arms bent. To do this, push yourself up so that your arms are stretched and then return to the bent position. Not quite understood? No problem, here's a video. Exercise three shows my exercise. The video also shows other exciting exercises that you can use to enhance your training.

Improving posture

Planks can help improve posture, which is essential for many things. Good posture can prevent injuries from improper weight distribution, which can affect everything from extensive exercise routines to small movements like bending over. By strengthening your spine, rhomboids and trapezius muscles, as well as your abs, the forearm support helps to promote your body's natural posture.

Developing your posture can improve a number of conditions and prevent other conditions from occurring. Good posture means that your bones are in a straight line, which reduces the risk of skeletal injuries and puts less stress on joints and bones². Better positioning of internal organs to prevent digestive problems or other functional complaints and reduce back pain.

"I could already feel the results after just a few days."

No more excuses!

As it is a short exercise, it can be done anywhere and anytime, but remember to complement it with other exercises to get all the benefits and end up not only with a toned stomach, but a body full of muscle (because the stomach won't be toned if all the muscles aren't working). Don't forget that planks don't burn belly fat on their own. You also need to watch your diet to make sure you're eating what you need to achieve your goals.

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